We Never Turn Anyone Away for Inability To Pay
Financial assistance keeps the Y accessible for children, adults, and families who need us most. We count on the generosity of our members and community to help people of all ages and from all walks of life be more healthy, confident, connected, and secure. When you give to the Y, your gift will have a meaningful, enduring impact right in your own neighborhood.
The Y is the unparalleled cause for strengthening community because we are the community. We are a powerful association of men, women and children joined together by a shared commitment to nurturing the potential of kids, promoting healthy living and fostering social responsibility. We believe that lasting personal and social change can only come about when we all work together to invest in our kids, our health, and our neighbors. That’s whY, at the Y, strengthening community is our cause.
The Y believes in serving the needs of all members in our community, regardless of their ability to pay the full cost of membership and programs.
Each year the money raised from our GIVE A KID THE Y Campaign provides financial assistance for Y membership, childcare and other programs. At Lakeland Hills Family YMCA it is our goal that no individual or family be denied membership or programs due to an inability to pay. The Y responds to every scholarship request, although assistance is limited by the financial resources of the Y. All applications are confidential.
To apply for financial assistance, download and submit the application attached below. For more information, contact Nancy Dunham.