Youth Swim Lessons

Lakeland Hills YMCA Swim Lessons

Nurturing skills and building confidence in the water

For more than 160 years, the YMCA has nurtured potential and united communities to create lasting, meaningful change. In each of our communities, the Y is in the service of building a better us. One of the most effective ways to accomplish this is to teach youth, teens, and adults to swim, so they can stay safe around water and learn the skills they need to make swimming a lifelong pursuit for staying healthy.

Y swim instructors are nationally certified. Their training includes CPR, AED, First Aid and Oxygen Administration. Swim lessons provide important life skills that could save a life and will benefit youth and adult swimming students for a lifetime.

Questions? Contact the Aquatics Department:
General questions: Aquatics Director Alex Fraser at
Swim lessons, private lessons, I-SNAP, and evaluations: Assistant Aquatics Director Yash Kothari at
Lifeguarding: Aquatics Manager/Lifeguard Coordinator Sydney Jasinski at


  • Why are swimming lessons being expanded to 13-week sessions? Having 13-week sessions is generally considered more beneficial than 7-week sessions for several reasons:


  • Longer Practice Period – More extended periods allow swimmers to practice and reinforce skills more thoroughly. Repetition over a longer period of time allows more muscle memory and skill retention.
  • Progression – Swimmers have more time to progress through various skill levels. Each skill can be taught and mastered before moving on to the next, leading to a more comprehensive development


  • Building Habit – Regular, longer-term lessons help build a routine. Consistency is crucial in developing a habit and comfort with water and swimming, especially for younger swimmers.
  • Reduced Learning Gaps – Fewer breaks between lessons mean swimmers have fewer chances to forget what they have learned, ensuring continuous improvement.


  • Confidence – More time in the pool helps swimmers become more comfortable and confident in their abilities. This confidence is essential for both safety and enjoyment.
  • Gradual Challenges – In a longer session, instructors can introduce challenges gradually, allowing swimmers to gain confidence without feeling overwhelmed.


  • Stronger Bond – Over 13 weeks, swimmers can develop a stronger relationship with their instructors, fostering trust and a better understanding of individual needs.
  • Personalized Feedback -Instructors have more time to observe and provide personalized feedback, helping each swimmer improve effectively.

Overall, 13-week swim lessons provide a more in-depth, consistent, and effective learning experience, leading to better outcomes in skill development, confidence, and overall enjoyment of swimming.

Swim For Kids at The Y

Our swim lesson program is designed to help kids develop a lifelong love of the water with competency, confidence and endurance. Parents or Guardian/Child classes for children under age 3 years (or not potty trained) offer the opportunity for toddlers to become comfortable in the water with the security of a parent or guardian. Please have your child wear a waterproof swim diaper. No disposable diapers at any time.

Preschool classes for children 3-6 years (and potty trained) start them on the way to becoming a swimmer with four progressive levels starting with “Polliwog” class will be introduced in our Youth classes for children 7-15 years.

Lesson Placement and Registration

If your child is new to our program (or has not participated at our Y for more than six months), you must set up an evaluation to determine their swim level before registering for a class. Email Assistant Aquatics Director Yash Kothari at EVALUATION IS NOT NEEDED FOR A BEGINNER. Just sign up for the age-appropriate class. IF your child is enrolled in lessons, you will receive an email 24 hours before the next registration time notifying you of your child’s appropriate level for which you should sign up. Parents: A swim evaluation is necessary prior to registration for new students except for Polliwog.

A child’s current swim level may change during the swim session based on continuous evaluations by our swim supervisors, the advancement to the next level during these 13 weeks will depend on the child having all the skills necessary to advance.

Our swim philosophy believes flotation devices help children gradually become accustomed to the water. We remove these devices periodically throughout the program to test your child’s water safety and to build confidence.


Infant and Toddler Group Swim Lessons (Ages 3 and under)

At the YMCA, our goal is to create a healthy respect for water to keep youth safe while creating a lifelong love of aquatics environments. Accompanied by a parent*, infants and toddlers learn to be comfortable in the water and develop swim readiness skills through fun and confidence-building swim lessons experiences. At the same time, parents learn about water safety, drowning prevention, and the importance of supervision.

Infants and toddlers will be introduced to the aquatic environment safely and comfortably to gain confidence and a healthy respect for the water. As students’ progress and grow, they begin to explore body positions, blowing bubbles and fundamental safety and aquatics skills. Please have your child wear a waterproof swim diaper. No disposable diapers at any time. For children 6 – 18 months, register for SKIP Class. For children 18 – 36 months, register for PERCH. For descriptions on all of our swim classes, click on the brochure button on the top of this page.

*Parent must participate in the water with child during the class

Preschool Swim Classes Ages 3-6 (and potty trained)

New to swim lessons? The basis of Y swim lessons is water safety skills. Students learn personal water safety and achieve basic swimming competency by learning two benchmark skills: swim, float, swim—sequencing front glide, roll, back float, roll, front glide and exit—and jump, push, turn, grab.

As students’ progress, they are taught in swim lessons the recommended skills for all to have around water, including safe water habits, underwater exploration and how to swim to safety and exit in the event of falling into a body of water. Activities, games, and drills geared to reinforce learning are utilized heavily as students continue through this skill-based approach to swimming. Preschool classes start them on the way to becoming a swimmer with 4 progressive levels starting with “Pike” class. For descriptions on all of our swim classes, click on the brochure button on the top of this page.

School Aged Advanced Swim Lessons 7 – 14 Years

After having mastered the fundamentals, students learn additional water safety skills and build stroke technique preventing chronic disease, increasing social-emotional and cognitive well-being and fostering a lifetime of physical activity. Students work on refining stroke technique and learning all major competitive strokes in swimming lessons. The emphasis on water safety continues through treading water and sidestroke. Students will learn about competitive swimming and discover how to incorporate swimming into a healthy lifestyle. A swim evaluation is needed prior to registration for new students except for Polliwog.

For descriptions on all of our swim classes, click on the brochure button on the top of this page.

Pre-Teen and Teen Beginners 12 – 15 Years

This class is for pre-teens and teens who want to learn how to swim. It will teach basic swimming strokes so participants can feel more comfortable in the water.

For descriptions on all of our swim classes, click on the brochure button on the top of this page.

I-SNAP (Individual Needs Aquatic Program)

This 30-minute weekly pool program provides each child (ages 3 and potty trained through 18 years) the support and tools needed to develop and increase basic aquatic skills in a safe environment. For more information, contact Aquatics Director, Alex Fraser at

SKIP Ages 6-18 months MEMBERS $195 / NON-MEMBERS $240

Introducing kids to the water and working on getting them comfortable. The instructor will model for parents what to do in the water with their children.

PERCH Ages 18-36 months MEMBERS $195 / NON-MEMBERS $240

Working on getting the kids to be comfortable with the instructor while parents are in the water. They will start learning basic skills such as getting their face wet, floating, blowing bubbles, etc. This will prepare the kids for the Pike level.

PIKE Ages 3-6 years MEMBERS $195

Beginner level where kids will be working on swimming horizontally for 5 yards with their face in the water while blowing bubbles with arm circles and rhythmic breathing. They will also work on floating independently without a bubble as well as kicking horizontally for 15 yards with legs straight.

EEL Ages 3-6 years MEMBERS $195

Working on swimming independently without a bubble for the entire class. Working on swimming horizontally with face in the water blowing bubbles, rhythmic breathing, and arms circles for half the pool. Swimming on the back doing elementary backstroke (Tickle-T-Touch) horizontally with legs straight for half the pool.

RAY Ages 3-6 years MEMBERS $195

Working on swimming a full lap in the pool (25 yards) without a bubble. Swimming freestyle horizontally with rhythmic breathing and overarm recovery. Swimming backstroke horizontally with straight legs and pointed toes with body roll. Swimming on the back doing elementary backstroke (Tickle-T-Touch) horizontally with legs straight. Start sitting dives.

STARFISH Ages 3-6 years MEMBERS $195

Swimming full laps in the pool. Freestyle with rotary breathing and bent arms. Backstroke with body roll and alternating arms. Introducing breaststroke kicks on their back while doing elementary backstroke

(Tickle-T-Touch). And introduce butterfly kick while using the kickboard. Working on standing dive.

POLLIWOG Ages 7-14 Years MEMBERS $195

Working on swimming half a lap without a bubble. Freestyle, swimming horizontally with face in the water while blowing and doing rhythmic breathing. Kicking on back with and without kickboard with straight legs and pointed toes. Elementary backstroke (Tickle-T-Touch) with straight legs, belly up, and pointed toes.

GOLDFISH Ages 7-14 years MEMBERS $195

Working on swimming a full lap. Freestyle, swimming horizontally with face in the water while blowing and doing rotary breathing. Kicking on back without a kickboard with arms at the side, straight legs, and pointed toes. Elementary backstroke (Tickle-T-Touch) with straight legs, belly up, and pointed toes. Introducing sitting dives.


Working on swimming backstroke alternating arms and belly up

while kicking with straight legs and pointed toes. Swimming freestyle horizontally with no double pull, arms extended with rotary breathing and continuous kicking (no bike or scissor kick). Introducing kneeling dives.

MINNOW Ages 7-14 Years MEMBERS $195

Working on swimming 2 full laps (50 yards) without stopping (circle swimming). Freestyle with rotary breathing (one goggle in the water, one goggle out of the water) while reaching arms. Backstroke

with body roll and alternating arms. Elementary backstroke

with breaststroke kick and proper timing with glide (3 seconds). Introduce standing dives.


Continue working on freestyle, backstroke, and elementary backstroke for 2 full laps. Breaststroke kick with a kickboard (toes pointed out, legs behind body, and glide). Dolphin kick on top of the water with a kickboard. Introduce standing dives from the diving block.


Work on adding arms to breaststroke and butterfly. Freestyle, backstroke, and elementary backstroke for 4 laps (100 yards). Breaststroke with proper timing (pull, kick, glide) for 2 laps (50 yards). Butterfly with proper timing for 1 lap (25 yards). Should be able to do 100 IM (butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, and freestyle. 25 yards for each stroke in that order). Introduce flip turns.

SHARK Ages 7-14 Years MEMBERS $195

Polishing all four strokes. Working on flip turns and introducing open turns. 200 IM with proper turns. Learning racing dives from starting blocks

FIT SWIM Ages 7-14 years MEMBERS $195

Working on endurance for all four strokes. Learning techniques and drills for all four strokes. Learn how to use the time clock. Prepare kids to swim on their own for lane swim/workouts.

TEEN 1 Beginner Ages 11-14 years MEMBERS $195

Combination of Polliwog and Goldfish swim levels. Working on swimming independently.

TEEN 2 Ages 11-14 years MEMBERS $195

Combination of Guppy and Minnow swim levels. Working on endurance, techniques and drills to prepare kids to swim on their own for lane swimming.


(Individual Special Needs Aquatics Program)


(Individual Special Needs Aquatics Program)


This 30-minute weekly pool program provides each child (ages 3 with swim diaper, through 18) the support and tools needed to develop and increase basic aquatic skills in a safe environment. For more information contact Assistant Aquatics Director, Yash Kothari at

Trust Your Team

Parents can help establish trust between youth and their instructors by sitting back from the class and allowing the instructor to give guidance, help solve issues, etc. Talk with your child(ren) about their time at lessons and your role during this time versus the instructor. If needed, talk with the instructor about how to help establish boundaries.

Swim Regularly

Reinforce and practice swim skills taught at class by spending time together during a recreational swim at your local YMCA.

Prevent Drowning

Safety is the number one priority around any depth of water. Find tips and information to help keep your family safe here.

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